Member Opportunities

The achievements of the Maroochydore SLSC can be measured by the extent of the contributions of its members. Every contributing member makes the Club stronger; from supporters who work at surf carnivals and events; to coaches who are generous with their time to train and mentor competitors; to the trainers and assessors who upskill and educate members; and to Nipper families developing young lifesavers for the future.

Maroochydore supports a range of opportunities for members to get involved in as a means of member development, retention and acknowledgement.

For more information about any of the pathways listed below, contact the Lifesaving Office ([email protected]).

Sport Athlete
Shimoda (1)

Shimoda Lifesaving Exchange Program

The Maroochydore Shimoda Lifesaving Exchange Program was established 25 years ago, initially to assist Shimoda LSC develop strong Surf Lifesaving capabilities. In recent years, Surf Sports training has also become a key aspect of the program. There are excellent opportunities for all Maroochydore members to participate actively in this wonderful program.


The Maroochydore Shimoda Lifesaving Exchange Program was established 20 years ago, initially to assist Shimoda LSC develop strong Surf Lifesaving capabilities. In recent years, Surf Sports training has also become a key aspect of the program. There are excellent opportunities for all Maroochydore members to participate actively in this wonderful program.


The Youth Engagement Program (YEP) is for youth members who want to make the most of what Surf Life Saving has to offer.

Competition Development Program

The Program is designed to give members who compete in Lifesaving Competition an opportunity to expand their knowledge of surf lifesaving operations in remote and/or tropical locations.

Cadet Mentor Program

The Program is designed to develop a positive relationship between the junior members and the Cadet Mentor, who provides support and a positive role model to the junior member as they shift into a Cadet and Patrol Active status within the club.

Summer Surf Girl

Surf Woman of the Year is a SLSQ leadership program available to female members within Surf Life Saving that seeks to raise awareness of their club in the local community. Over the last 50 years more than $15.7 million has been raised and returned to lifesaving clubs to purchase equipment.

Become an Active Life Saver in our club!

To become a volunteer lifesaver the first award you need to gain is the Bronze Medallion. Once you have gained your Bronze Medallion, active members are then placed onto a patrol roster and are expected to perform voluntary patrols for the Club between September and May.